What I learned Today.

Amazingly I sit here at 4:30am wide awake knowing in two hours or less my two precious boys will be awake. I woke up at 3am today for a reason I think I've discovered that was to spend time with God. I read Acts 9:32-43 it's about Dorcas/Tabitha she was seemingly unimportant in the bible this is the first time I've ever read about her. She was an encourager and helper to widows and widowers. She didn't go around preaching to large groups of ppl or anything to warrant what seems like special attention. But her life became a living miracle. The bible says she was always doing good and helping the poor. She became sick and died so when Peter was passing through some widows found him and he was taken to where Dorcas lay dead. The widows where crying and carrying on because they had lost a friend. So Peter cleared the room and then told Dorcas to stand up. She sat up and Peter helped her to her feet. Then he called everyone back in and presented her alive. This miracle became known all over the area in which she lived.
This story is amazing to me for lots and lots of reasons. She was a woman who went about helping others that needed this probably was second nature for her because I believe that most women have the desire to help those in need. She however went about doing just that helping those in need. I can imagine she probably wasn't really well off or have a lot of skills. Simply put I believe that she just used what she had to help those she could. An everyday woman but with a clear vision of how to help. That's the other thing that is clear she knew how to help ppl. That isn't easy to do especially with widows think about the emotions and pride etc... you have to get around to help someone at times. Yet she was good at it. She probably had no clue her death would effect so many ppl. Yet because she used what God had given her to help others she was used even further to be a living miracle.
This gives me hope completely that I can do what God wants right now without having a lot of money or skills even by just looking around to encourage and help those around me.
I hope it encourages you tooo to relize that you don't have to be a great speaker, teacher, or writer to make a difference in someone's life.
Posted on 1:19 AM by Amanda and filed under | 0 Comments »


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