The Journey Begins

The funny thing about life is that often it begins with one step in a direction you weren't expecting to take. Let me update a little on my family... Michael my husband has returned home from Ait and now is working at Bosch as a temp while being a weekend warrior. He's not pleased with either of these. He's also picked up writing again with hopes of finishing a couple of stories he's had in progress for a while. Over all I think he wishes he had a better job but, is doing his best at what he has. Oh a big step for him is getting to specialist ranking. The run on the PT test is hard for him (he's not a runner), he can pump out push ups and sit ups like the best of them but the run kills. However I'm proud to report he's working at this to improve himself.
Curtis my oldest son is still five. He's learning to read and write small words I'm really proud of him. He's always been amazing in science I'm having to read to be able to explain somethings to him. I enjoy that. He was suppose to be playing t-ball this year but broke his arm (showing off for a girl). I thought I would have a couple of years to wait for that one. Over all curtis is getting older and smarter everyday.
Nick is two that's going to change in a few short days. He's still a livewire full of energy and wonder. He is still struggling with health issues but you wouldn't be able to tell it by watching him for a few minutes. He knows his abc's, counts to 100, can count backward from 10, and count in spanish. I must admit the spanish came mostly from Dora and Deigo. He is potty training and wants to go woohoo...
As for myself I'm still 27 and staying at home with Nicko. I'm made some improvements in my life since Christmas. I joined Coop's gym in Anderson. Though I haven't been in a couple of weeks because life has gotten busy with random stuff. Also I'm working on budgeting I have a new notebook just for that. So far so good I guess. Also I'm trying to start a new realm in my marriage. Today for example is a no negative comments to each other for 24 hours. Most would shake thier heads but I hope this helps.
All in All we are doing well however I'm going to start keeping this blog again as long as I can.(until internet becomes less of a priority).

Welcome to the Journey
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